Saturday, 30 November 2019


For this purpose, you generate a number of Project IMGs for your implementation projects or for a release upgrade. Depending on the view of the Project IMG, you can identify mandatory, optional, critical and non-critical configuration activities. During a goods movement, the off-setting entry for GBB can be made to different accounts, dependent on the movement type. Step-by-step demonstrations are provided of stock material, consumable material, and service industry procurement processes and then practiced by the course participants. You can structure the activities in a project by creating various views, using either attribute or manual selection. sap lo550

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Depending on the view of the Project IMG, you can identify mandatory, optional, critical and non-critical configuration activities. Transactions and Value Strings Value string WA14 is defined for deliveries without charge movement type Lesson Objectives After completing this lesson, you will be able to: The configuration of pricing in Customizing is also covered in this course.

The Roadmap divides the implementation into five phases, offers detailed Project Plans to assist you, and contains links to helpful tools. SCM 3 days Inventory Mgmt. Example You can configure the automatic postings depending on the other influencing variables for each of these posting transactions. Business Transactions and Value Strings Exercise Before starting work on the project, find out about the status values that you can use to document.

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Working with the Implementation Guide Figure 3: You can also process Customizing transactions, project documentation, and project management information using the other Project IMG views. The Mandatory activities view is particularly significant. In the implementation projects, you only choose the functions that you require for the business processes in your project.

You clear the posting in this clearing account or provision account when you enter the invoice for the planned delivery costs.

Customizing Projects Figure 4: Szp Accounts By Material Groups In the example above, the system proposes an account for purchases without a material master record, depending on the material group.

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This key is often associated with goods issues, but may be used whenever off-sets are required for inventory. For this purpose, you generate a number of Project IMGs for your implementation projects or for a release upgrade. The account grouping cannot be changed for transactions in Invoice Sp.

sap lo550

The instances where procurement meets demand planning and financial accounting are also covered. In addition, you can create a project view. As well as the Offsetting entry for inventory posting, you can also use account grouping for other transactions such as price differences for further differentiation of account number assignments, depending on the movement type, if required in your company.

SCM550 Cross-Functional Customizing in MM

It also deals with the procurement process for consignment stores and external procurement by means of subcontracting. Valuation and Account Determination LO In the standard system, value string WA01 is assigned to goods issues and other goods receipts.

In addition to the external procurement courses, the courses oo550 below are particularly useful for gaining a broader knowledge of SAP products and their use: The following scenarios are possible: Customizing Projects Lesson Overview This lesson will focus on the components of a project and how to navigate within the implementation guide.

You can structure the activities in a project by creating various views, using either attribute or manual selection. Account Grouping Figure Once a Project IMG has been defined, additional views can be created. Warehouse management transactions are not covered in this course.

mySAP SCM - Procurement

The individual IMG activities are attributed. In addition to the external procurement courses, the courses listed below are particularly useful for gaining a broader knowledge of SAP products and their use:. You can change the account grouping for transactions in Inventory Management, depending on the movement type and other lo5550 for example, special stock indicators. During a goods movement, the ll550 entry for GBB can be made to different accounts, dependent on the movement type.

The system uses the account grouping for the account assignment category to determine this account.

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