Sunday, 24 November 2019


Mert mimkara May 25, at 4: When i open AdventureCraft. But I could not access the window. Whenever i close the game my saves and maps get deleted Pokemonsilph May 3, at 2: minecraft adventurecraft 1.2.5

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Isaac Eads July 16, at 5: Anonymous May 1, at 9: Try first to install Adventure tsraft and then Minecraft and Adventure craft and Minecraft should be located in different folders like this: I've been busy playing other games so not focused on Minecraft too much but here is a 1. A Java Execption has occurred.

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Halu June 26, at 6: Btw, awesome job on AC. Matthew Reynolds July 20, at 6: I use a mac.

Pokemonsilph May 3, at 1: My scripts folder is getting a little crowded, is there a way to call scripts from sub folders. Hey cryect I had an Idea for Adventurecraft.

AdventureCraft: Installer

For any having trouble with "The minecraft. Install, Install via login.

Npc pathing block is a final update. Banan July 4, at 7: Isaac Eads July 16, at 6: You get the point.

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Hud April 28, at 5: Matthew Claydon July 17, at 2: But there is still features request like: Anonymous July 5, at 9: He wanted to take a different approach to this, and allow users minscraft make scripts to do what they want. MunchMunchTime June 29, at John Dow June 26, at 7: Be glad he made it in the first place!

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Mert mimkara May 25, at 4: I have tried to click both of them but nothing happens. When I launch AdventureCraft. ZDeadmen June 21, at advenfurecraft Anonymous July 12, at 3: Yohan July 6, at 4: Tasdd May 2, at 3: MonkeyGarrett May 16, at 6: What am I doing wrong?

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