Sunday, 1 December 2019


At this stage I was getting pretty excited about this little camera. When set to Tv, for example, you can select the shutter speed you want and lock it in. User reviews Search reviews. If you use a DVD-R disc you have only one option. Thanks - there was a recent thread where a DC owner was having trouble; I'll post a link in that thread pointing to this one. roxio mydvd for canon dc 10

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roxio mydvd for canon dc 10

SCN lets you choose one of eight scene presets, which will alter the aperture, shutter speed and cnaon balance as appropriate for your subject. The US visa application needs to know your social media presence September 18, See our privacy policy for more information.

Zoom lens - 10x zoom - 4.

roxio mydvd for canon dc 10

How would it turn out? Please connect camera to mains power supply. Ergonomics, excellent range of canpn and exposure options, manual focus, aperture, white balance. David Smith was one of the first to have a serious play.

Canon DC10 - camcorder - DVD Series Specs

Huawei Mate 30 Pro sets a new benchmark for smartphone photography September 28, If they play off the camcorder: On a TV set the picture was just awful. But as you mention finalized disc guess you are using mini dvd which is Mpeg 2.

roxio mydvd for canon dc 10

Hi Christ im in the same boat with this DC19 searched the web and found your solution only please may i also ask as above where can i get a copy?

My conclusion is that the fundamental concept of direct to disk recording using MPEG2 compression is fatally flawed.

Auto Focus Points Zones Qty. You need to capture via Firewire. Finalising the disk took almost 5 minutes. This was a disturbing finding and vastly worse than the tiny movement artefacts you can get when transcoding DV taped shots to MPEG2.

Canon DC10 - camcorder - DVD Series Specs - CNET

OK, apparently any interruption to power — and even camera movement? I imagine Adobe Premiere Elements may too. Apple Mac OS X If the footage can be accessed by any other means such as one of my suggestions it may be worth trying although there is no harm in looking for My DVD for Canon but as Jaymac rightly states saysThere is a lot out there that is better Also footage is not normally described as "unfinalised", discs are.

I just wanted to see how the files would look when captured to disk and then rendered out as an edited video. It should not have any files with mpeg2 extension.

If I finalise a disk and then view it canoon the pc I can rename the. Trials and tribulations with Telstra NBN. Just seen this on google it looks as if its designed to dub from the camcorder to the pc though not to the hard drive but to a blank dvd.

You must log in or register to reply here. By including MyDVD, Canon makes the camcorders even more convenient to use, allowing customers rocio maintain the recordability of their camcorder discs while quickly and easily preserving recorded footage to settop-playable DVDs. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website.

Transfering miniDVD footage to PC (Canon DC19) | AVForums

Reader Rating 0 Votes. That is a terrible shame because the problem is not in the camera itself but in myvd choice of DVD as a myrvd format. Thread starter Christ Start date Jan 30, The only way I can see this kind of system working is with high-capacity Blue Ray disks recording as AVI files for subsequent editing. I have to say this was one of the most promising, yet disappointing cameras I have ever reviewed.

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